ISSUE 1 book School Closures in Rural Finnish Communities group Outi Autti Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer ISSUE 2 book Connecting for Innovation: Four Universities Collaboratively Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Teach in Rural and Remote Western Australia group Sue Trinidad Elaine Sharplin Sue Ledger Tania Broadley ISSUE 3 book Mentored Research in a Tribal College Setting: The Northern Cheyenne Case group Carol Ward Kacey Widdison Jones Ryan Coles Loren Rich Stan Knapp Robert Madsen ISSUE 4 book Rethinking Rural Literacies: Transnational Perspectives (Book Review) group Simone White ISSUE 5 book Motives for Dissertation Research at the Intersection Between Rural Education and Curriculum and Instruction group Craig Howley Aimee Howley Jacqueline Yahn ISSUE 6 book The Role of Postsecondary Institutional Urbanicity in College Persistence group P. Johnelle Sparks Anne-Marie Nunez ISSUE 7 book Early Experiences Implementing Voluntary School District Mergers in Vermont group John D. Rogers Talia J. Glesner Herman W. Meyers ISSUE 8 book Trades and Aides: The Gendering of Vocational Education in Rural Alberta group Alison Taylor Laura Servage Zane Hamm ISSUE 9 book The Value of People, Place and Possibilities: A Multiple Case Study of Rural High School Completion group Kristen Campbell Wilcox Janet I. Angelis Linda Baker Hal A. Lawson ISSUE 10 book Transforming Teachers’ Work Globally: In Search of a Better Way for Schools and Their Communities (Book Review) ISSUE 11 book Motives, Methods or Quality?: Making Sense of Howley, Howley and Yahn group Amy Price Azano ISSUE 12 book Three Rejoinders in Search of an Author group Craig Howley Aimee Howley Jacqueline Yahn ISSUE 13 book 29-13.pdf group Holly Yettick Robin Baker Mary Wickersham Kelly Hupfeld