Issue 1 (Spring 2000) book A Reflective Essay Concerning Something Better: The Experiences of Appalachian Rural Trust Schools group D. L. Haleman Alan J. DeYoung book Notes on a Country School Tradition: Recitation as an Individual Strategy group S. A. Swidler book Regional and Gender Differences in Mathematics Achievement group P. Cox book Energy Express: Connecting Communities and Intervention on Behalf of Schoolchildren in West Virginia group G. Butera L. McMollen R. Phillips book The First Five Years: A Follow-up Study of a Rural Teacher Cohort group V. J. Storey book An Agenda for Studying Rural School Busing group Craig Howley Issue 2 (Fall 2000) book Why Rural Matters: The Need for Every State to Take Action on Rural Education group E. Beeson M. Strange book Book Review: Struggling for the Soul: The Politics of Schooling and the Construction of the Teacher group Michael Corbett book Book Review: The Country and the City group Jerry Johnson Craig Howley Issue 3 (Winter 2000) book Where Has All the “Rural” Gone? Rural Education Research and Current Federal Reform group T. Sherwood book Interstate Variation in the Mathematics Achievement of Rural and Nonrural Students group Jaekyung Lee W. G. McIntire book How on Earth Did You Hear About Us? A Study of Exemplary Rural School Practices in the Upper Midwest group J. J. D'Amico Vickie Nelson book Standards and Local Curriculum: A Zero-Sum Game? group N. E. Jennings book Standards-Based Reform and Rural School Improvement: Finding the Middle Ground